Earth body body Earth

cosmic principles 

"through the arts I explore and remember how we are rooted in Nature, interconnected and multi-dimensional - lifting the veils to the unseen realms and life's deep mysteries.

I resonate genuinely with animism, the intuitive knowing that everything is alive, that everything speaks - sings its song, that travels through our senses in sound, shape, colour and movement.

and so, I honour the towering trees, blooming flowers, swirling rivers, soaring birds, celestial cycles and our own bodies’ magnificence. Singing their soul’s song through my work.”

birthing the Sun
coloured pencil, acrylics, oil paint on Moriki paper mounted on canvas, 60 x 80 cm, 2024

Solar body
coloured pencil, acrylics, bronze pigment, oil paint on hemp paper mounted on canvas, .. x .. cm, 2024

trembling cycles
coloured pencil, acrylics, bronze pigment, oil paint on hemp paper mounted on canvas, .. x .. cm, 2024

birthing mounts
coloured pencil, acrylics, bronze pigment on wood, .. x .. cm, 2024