w h i r l i n g
every third thursday of the month / around the full moon, from September 2024, we gather at De Lange Adem to share our dervish dance.
everybody is welcome, it doesn’t matter if you have experience, how fast or how long you whirl. In my experience, every whirling session is different, as change is the only constant. It’s a practice of surrender, and powerfull way to recalibrate your electro-magnetic system. Although inspired by the traditional Sufi ceremony of ‘sama’, there are no strict rules around the whirling practice within this group; your body will tell you how to move, in what direction, and for how long.
~ 18:30 - 19:30 arrival + tea / 19:30-21:00 opening + whirling / 21:00-22:00 tea + fruits
~ we will start with a tea upstairs in my magical realms, followed by an hour of whirling downstairs at De Lange Adem. Afterwards I will provide a light meal of fruits and tea. Eat something light before you come over.
~ dress in white comfortable clothes, like a wide white skirt or dress. There are costumes and whirling shoes available to use, in different sizes for both men and women.
~ donation: €20,- / residents of De Lange Adem €7,50
~ we have space for max. 10 whirling bodies
~ send me a message if you’d like to join! Or book your spot via hipsy.nl
23 Jan ‘25
13 Feb ‘25
13 March ‘25
10 April ‘ 25